Sunday, March 1, 2009

Random Stuff

I blended up some blueberries for Taylor the other day, and had to grab the camera between bites to show you his reaction. Do you think he liked or not?!

Natalie trying to introduce everyone to the new kitty.

Ava talks about the new kitty.


Tyla Majors said...

So cute! I have been contemplating getting a cat - is it really as big as a decision as I think it is? :) I know I owe you pictures, will you give me your email address again and I will get it taken care of? - sorry for the wait!

Melanie said...

That video of Taylor reminds me of Natalie at his age. Just shaking in anticipation of more food!

Your kitty looks cute, although we didn't get to see much of her. Thanks for posting videos of all the kids! We sure miss you guys!

bg said...

I get so excited when I see another post is up! Taylor sure likes blueberries. I can't wait to meet Jane. Twenty more days!